Our Services for Business Schools

V Bank Explorer

CV Bank Explorer is an exclusive and highly effective search tool which makes it possible to quickly find the candidates who meet your requirements by sorting our candidates portfolio using between up to 21 criteria:

  • Candidate #
  • Discipline
  • Desired Employement Type
  • Current Position
  • Requested Position
  • English Level
  • Highest Education Level
  • Location
  • Managerial Experience Position
  • Managerial Experience Duration
  • Academic / Teaching Experience
  • Academic Programs (Level of Public)
  • Executive Education (Program Target)
  • Corporate Consulting
  • PhD Supervisor
  • Engineering Pedagogy - Cases
  • Academic Research - Books
  • Academic Research - Chapters of Books
  • Articles Published in Top Journals (FT list)
  • Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
  • Articles Published in Professional Journals

Direct search

We research into our database with the goal of proposing you the candidates whose profiles best match your institution’s needs. All you need to do is send your request directly to our HR consultants at hr@akadeus.com

”Post a Job” - posting job advertisements (30, 60, 90 and 180-day)

Posting your job advertisements with Akadeus, you can expect that the people viewing your listing are the exact audience you need to reach.

”Add a Banner” - adding banners

You can build your employer brand by uploading a banner on to our homepage with a click through.


All our services are priced very competitively in relation to the market. Making use of AKADEUS services is far much cheaper than seeking to hire a quality individual with more traditional means. For current price list, please refer to the following attachment. These prices are exclusive of VAT.